Sunday, October 23, 2011

Return to sender

Dear me.

I know we are in a dificult place right now but that's ok. This emotion that you are feling right now.. it's only temporary. You may not beleive me when I say it but we've been in this same situation before.. and we got throught it, I have no idea how but qe went to hell and back without anyone noticing.. that's actually awesome if you think about it. I know this sounds weird but there's no one else that can comfort you but me. Yup! It's just you and me buddy. I know it sounds pathetic right now but yars from now.. when you're all wrinkly and miserable you'll laugh about this and say your thanks to everyone.. say thanks to those who made your life colorful, to those who made you cry and to those who made you want to do your best.

To your frenemies.. family and to those who you nevermet but made an impact.. in our pathetic life.
This sadness that we are feelung right now.. this un bearable pain.. i give it 2 weeks max and we're good again.

We both know that life is not easy right now since we are approaching that certain age..

I know you wish that you were the one that could make her smile, you wish that you are the only person that she thinks first thing in the morning and the last person that she could think of before sleepibg at night but we gotta face reality man..

The shit that you want aint ever happening. You're not the one.. face it and move on.. I know it's easier said than done but you just gotta man up and face the music.

We've been alone for 8 years man.. we're used to this.. just think of it this way.. being alone is better.. you dont have to think of someone else but yourself. You dont have to worry about hurting someone elses feelings and no one can ever hurt you if your alone.

I kniw this logic sounds twisted but its better than cotemplating if doing weird shit to our body.. dont think of doing that. We are way better than those weak minded fools. Just think of conquering the world coz thats our dream since we were five.

I know its been a while since we felt that blissful feeling... we all know what that is... and we also know that we cant force someone.. thats a big no no.

I know you feel tired of this life and I totally understand how you feel. You and I are the same.. we are practtically twins in the same body..(im not sure how that goes).

We both know that we love her a lot and we are willing to make her the center of our universe but i guess we are not enough.. shes a good girl and she deserves the best.. we always knew that we are not the best for her but at least we tried.

Its not easy to accept defeat but its just the way it is..
Just cry while its dark..and act norm during day.. until this phase is over..

We get some aleep now coz its getting late.. and our fingr feels numb from typing through our phone.. we really need a laptop..

Good night me.. we might be pathetic to the eyes of others but to us.. we are an awesome pathetic loser.

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