Friday, December 21, 2012

Questions that have been asked

I've been asked time and time again.. "Why am i not married?" "Why am I still single?" "Am I happy being alone?"

Those are the questions that have been asked over and over.. and most of the time I would only answer with a "may oras para dyan"( there's a time for that) but honestly speaking.. I too want to be happy. I also want to feel loved. I also want to have a family of my own. I also want to take care of my own kids and come home to a loving wife..

But lets face it.. Who would want to go out with a guy like me? Who would want to be with someone like me.

She would probably feel awkward because I'm kinda weird.

I don't even know how to be romantic or sweet. I don't even know how to be cool or whatever it is that women want.

People would think that I'm only single because I don't want to have a girlfriend or I don't want to be with someone.

I wish it was like that... I wish I really don't want to be with someone.. but the truth is much harsher... I've been sad many times before.. I've been rejected several times already... I've cried and begged and hated... a couple of times.. and nothing has changed.

Every body says that, "Someone out there is for you" or something like that.. but in all honesty... I'm starting to doubt that..

I'm already past the "fooling around" stage and I'm in the "I want to settle down" stage already..

I know for a fact that it's sad and pathetic but what can I do? Life has always been unfair... I can blame my pitiful life on anyone except myself..

I guess I'm just not good enough.. or maybe I'm presentable enough..


I'm glad that blogs exists. I can write my shit anytime I want and nobody would fucking complain about my whining.

But if there's a poor soul out there that got lost and stumbled upon my gibberish.. please let me know.. if you experience something similar. Maybe we could talk about it and help each other out.

Thanks for visiting :D


If you saw a grammar error or misspelled word.. Congratulations! ye can keep it.

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